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Advice & Guidance Consultations

Advice & Guidance Consultations

Advice & Guidance Consultations = £125


  • Pre-assessment or appraisal of work in progress (WIP) or already published book.
  • One hour intensive telephone call or webchat and follow-up call.
  • Summary report and creation of ‘to-do’ list.
  • Links and resources for self-publishing and ‘how-to’ guides for specific topics or issues.
A woman with long brown hair is seated at a wooden table by a window, talking on a smartphone while looking at a tablet. She wears a light-colored top. The table holds books, a black cup, and a white pot with green and white flowers. The background is light and airy with soft natural light. BookSelf Book Cover Design & Premade Book Covers

How It Works

The advice and guidance consultation service consists of a pre-assessment, a summary report and ‘to do’ list and a one hour phone call or webchat. Additionally, it’s designed to hone in on issues or topics that need more focus in order to advance your project. Furthermore, we tailor it all to your needs and work with your current knowledge base, ensuring we don’t waste time or focus.

The consultation service covers a range of topics and issues. It is especially beneficial for those who are new to self-publishing, are short of time, or perhaps need technical help to negotiate the tear-inducing self-publishing platforms!

We can help you to ascend the steep learning curve of self-publishing speedily and with confidence so that you have complete control over your books, ensuring optimum financial returns too.

And, even if you’re an established author you might nevertheless benefit from a brainstorming consultation in order to focus on issues surrounding slow sales and what to do next. For example, we could help you identify trending keywords to use with regards upscaling your book’s reach. Furthermore we can help you prepare and strategize in order to optimise your next book upon its release.  

Whatever the issue, we aim to work with you quickly and intensively in order to help you move forward efficiently so we schedule one hour slots priced at *£125. *This includes our pre-research and a summary report and ‘to do’ list and a follow up which amounts to around 4-5 hours of overall project time.

What we can help you with:

Some of the topics and issues we can cover include:

  • General health-check including appraisal of book cover, content, metrics, keywords and marketing.
  • At-a-glance book overview as well as providing valuable feedback on overarching themes and content.
  • Review of book (MS) interior set-up and typesetting for eBook and paperback.
  • Technical advice such as uploading your MS or typesetting as well as specific issues tailored to your needs.
  • Book cover design ideas and advice that are relevant to your genre and equally important current trends and themes.
  • The market surrounding your genre and where you should focus your efforts such as on advertising and your audience.
  • Your continuing writing journey and strategizing for the next book to ensure your brand and direction are on point.

Why should I book an advice & guidance consultation?

  • Saves you time looking for technical instructions or manuals.
  • Saves money on expensive services or add-ons not needed.
  • Points you in the right direction quicker and improves your technical know-how with our research guides and resources.
  • Gives a different point of view from a professional and market perspective.
  • Enables you to strategise and focus your attention on the core topics and issues.
  • Allows you more time to focus just on your writing.
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A logo consisting of a stylized "BS" design in lines above the word "BookSelf" written in bold, large font. Below "BookSelf," the tagline "Self-Publishing Services For Authors" is displayed in smaller, all-capital letters. The overall color of the text and design is gray. BookSelf Book Cover Design & Premade Book Covers

BookSelf is a self-publishing website with a difference in that it is run by people that have experienced and embraced the self-publishing journey themselves.

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