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Book Reviews Service

Book Reviews Service: BookSelf UK

Need Book Reviews? That’s where BookSelf UK can help. Our book reviews service has been designed to attract genuine readers who will leave honest reviews.

Book reviews are crucial to sales but sometimes are hard to come by for the self-publishing author who does not have readers lined up like traditional publishing houses do.

Our book reviews service can be booked per review helping to ensure a healthy marketing strategy. Remember that it is important to gather reviews in the first three months of your launch date to satisfy the algorithms and search engines and put your book ahead in the early days. 

Click on these articles for an explanation as to why book reviews are important:

The Importance Of Book Reviews

Why Book Reviews Matter

An e-reader displaying "Book Reviews" on the screen sits on a wooden surface. Above the e-reader, five golden stars form a row, indicating a five-star rating. To the right of the e-reader, there is a brown and gold pen placed horizontally—a signature touch by BookSelf UK’s premier book reviews service. BookSelf Book Cover Design & Premade Book Covers

Book Reviews Service: BookSelf UK

Every author needs reviews to showcase their book to the world. They encourage sales by instilling confidence that the reader is getting a baseline for quality and of content that is up to industry standards. 

Reviews help readers to decide to buy your book and they can also help the algorithms and search engines find them in the first place. They promote sales by providing not only a star rating but written feedback which alludes to the quality of the book. Feedback about things that set the book apart from others will help a customer identify with the story hence leading to sales.

All reviews include a minimum of 20 words plus a star rating – ratings are honest and we do not influence our readers at all so please be aware that you might receive lower ratings which will affect the average rating of your book. We do however take every care to ensure our readers are matched to the genres they love and we also ensure that the quality of a book for review is of a standard compatible with our reviews policy which should ensure a positive ratings return.


70k word book

£ 18
  • Lorem ipsum dolor et sit amet

80k word book

£ 20
  • Lorem ipsum dolor et sit amet

90k word book

£ 22
  • Lorem ipsum dolor et sit amet

100k word book

£ 24
  • Lorem ipsum dolor et sit amet
A logo consisting of a stylized "BS" design in lines above the word "BookSelf" written in bold, large font. Below "BookSelf," the tagline "Self-Publishing Services For Authors" is displayed in smaller, all-capital letters. The overall color of the text and design is gray. BookSelf Book Cover Design & Premade Book Covers

BookSelf is a self-publishing website with a difference in that it is run by people that have experienced and embraced the self-publishing journey themselves.

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